Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The "good guys" are enabling evil

By Felicia Dionisio, © 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

Why didn't the president of Virginia Tech University and the police chief charged with protecting the lives of those poor defenseless students and faculty members do more to stop the campus massacre?

Because they were enabling evil.

They're just the latest example of a society-wide refusal to fight the good fight.

I'm sitting here watching these same men give a news conference in front of TV cameras. They look like deer in headlights as they try to explain why they apparently allowed a madman to kill two people and then remain on a college campus for hours while they stood by, meek as lambs, refusing to acknowledge the evil thrust upon them, refusing to allow the innocent any opportunity to protect themselves.

The so-called SWAT teams are supposed to neutralize the threat. They're trained to rush in and save lives. Why are so many of them seen on video standing around behind police cars while shots are being fired, while innocents are dying inside?

Why don't they do what they are trained and paid to do? Why were they sitting back and allowing evil to run its course without fighting to stop it?

Because they were enabling evil.

Did Columbine not change the rules? Knowing what we know now, why didn't they stop the threat sooner? There had been previous bomb threats at Virginia Tech and another shooting near campus last year. Hello?

Am I the only one on the planet who recognizes and fears the post-9/11 world we live in?

Did anyone not think this might be a terrorist act?

For that matter, did anyone not think a lone gunman, some evil nut, might be on a shooting rampage?

Did anyone not think it might be a good idea to cancel cheerleading tryouts?

I have only one explanation for why everybody failed to react in a more aggressive manner. Why they did what they did. Why they didn't do what they should have done.

Because they were enabling evil. Because our laws, our culture, our attitudes, our ways are all influenced by evil.

This is Satan's world, and most are marching to the beat of his drum, whether they know it or not.

Those ''authorities,'' and anyone else who had any opportunity to thwart this slaughter, are complicit in this horrible crime.

They sat on their hands for hours and stood by as dozens of innocents, completely unaware of the evil about to be thrust upon them, were slaughtered.

I can draw only one conclusion. They refused to act, because they didn't want to act. If that's not evil, I don't know what is.

The ''authorities'' hid behind their desks and their police cars.

They didn't want to ''inconvenience'' anyone.

They didn't want to make a fuss.

They didn't want to overreact.

They didn't want to appear foolish.

They didn't want to risk ridicule.

They didn't want to make anyone angry.

They didn't want to get sued.

They didn't want to shoot someone.

They didn't want to pay any overtime.

They didn't want to miss lunch.

They didn't want to trouble any professors.

They didn't want to do the right thing.

They didn't want to cancel those cheerleading tryouts.

And they didn't want to acknowledge evil exists and thrives in this world.

They didn't want to confront that evil. And they didn't want to confront it, because they're enabling evil.

Think about it.

Why don't lawmakers seem to know the difference between right and wrong? Why don't they ever do anything for the good of the people?

More laws that limit freedom? Like gun-control laws?

Higher taxes?

Illegal immigration?

Why don't our elected officials seal our borders and protect U.S. sovereignty?

Jail for protecting your life and property?

Innocent young men accused of rape while exonerating evidence is withheld?


It's out there. And it reared its ugly head yet again today in a sleepy little town in Virginia.

Sadly, the ''good guys'' stood around and watched it happen.

And that, my friend, is evil.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, good Lord! Give me a break... the gunman who went on a shooting spree was enabling evil! Not the victims! And yes, I do mean the ALL faculty, staff and students including the people mentined in this article. What were these people supossed to do... run out and unarm the gunman himself? Get real!

April 17, 2007 3:19 PM  
Blogger D.R. Miller said...

run out and unarm the gunman himself? Get real!

Exactly what someone with enough guts and and willingness to lay down their life for a friend or friends could of and should of done. But not in America, in the land of the free and Home of the, oh sorry forgot that was then, when freedom was worth fighting and dying for, when you and your neighbors took up arms to protect each other. Not today though, it's all about me, As long as I can get away let the authorities take care of it. With the self preserving attitudes we have today we deserve everything that happens to us. We like to watch shows about hero's but nobody is willing to sacrifice to be one. Now we'll hear about the need for gun control but just think, if even a handful of those students were packing the majority might still be alive. Guns in the hands of responsible citizens is a good thing because the evil in our society will always have them and the advantage over the lawabiding until we can stand up for ourselves and protect everyone.

April 17, 2007 8:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish the article above had more facts and a tad less emotion. I too have some questions about the situation but feel like I don't know enough facts to form a strong opinion. After Columbine someone told me that the accepted procedure in hostage situations is to not rush in with guns in order to avoid hostages getting caught in crossfire, but that once any hostile shooting begins, the police should rush in because at that point there is less to lose. I don't know if that is truly the accepted procedure or not, but it seems sensible to me. I do wonder why swat teams didn't break down the doors faster and get in faster, but I figure there's a lot I don't know and I am hesitant to form judgements on the people who are there.

I do agree with Denny and I personally feel safer with well-armed responsible citizens walking around me. One caveat: I do think there might be some increased risk of accidental shootings with responsible citizens who are armed, but there would be hugely less risk of something like this. The gunman simply would have less time to keep shooting before someone got him.

I also read in World Net Daily that just last year the Virginia legislature defeated a measure which would have allowed people on Virginia campuses to carry concealed weapons with permit. I wonder how they feel about that now.

I do think our culture has become a culture of enabling evil, but I think we all need to share in that responsibility, certainly all of us who are people of faith. I feel less inclined to indict any one person than to indict the silence of all good people including myself.

April 18, 2007 9:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found a good article on MSNBC
highlighting the need for students to be trained to respond aggressively in such situations instead of passively waiting to be killed. This article also mentioned the fear of litigation which often results in delayed action.

I also wanted to point out the heroic actions of 76-year old Israeli professor who blocked the door with his body and yelled for his students to escape. That is certainly not passive. And another student who took the lead in barricading his classroom, saving the lives of all inside. That kind of initiative is exactly what we need in cases like this. Most people are crying out for strong leadership and just waiting for somebody to take the lead to do something.

April 18, 2007 12:05 PM  
Blogger Julie said...

Thanks for your comments, everyone. In response to anonymous, there was the faculty member Beth mentioned who was willing to sacrifice his life for his students, all of whom survived because he threw himself in front of the gunmen as he attempted to enter the professor's classroom. Perhaps if others had been willing to risk their lives in an attempt to disarm the shooter, many more students could have been saved. I come from Long Island, and I vividly remember hearing about the Long Island Railroad Massacre, during which several passengers jumped the gunman and were able to disarm him before he killed more victims.

At Virginia Tech, it wasn't just a matter of not running out and disarming the gunman, either. The college failed to issue warnings until two hours after the first victim was killed. There was a public address system in place, yet school officials e-mailed students about the gunman rather than announce a warning over the loud speakers. The school also failed to do a lock-down, which is usually standard in this type of scenario. To me, it just seems ridiculous that a lone gunman can roam a college campus at will and succeed in killing over 30 people without anyone attempting to stop him. At the college I attended, there were armed security guards employed for our protection.

d.r. miller, I agree with you wholeheartedly. Sadly, we are no longer the land of the free or the home of the brave.

Beth, thanks for mentioning the MSN article. I think in a world were terrorism has become a daily threat, it would be wise for everyone to be trained in how to respond aggressively in such situations instead of waiting passively to be killed.

One of these days, I plan to do a blog on the role of gun control in disarming the Jews of Nazi Germany, most of whom obeyed those laws and then paid with their lives because they had no way of defending themselves from Nazi aggression.

April 18, 2007 12:52 PM  

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