Monday, October 27, 2008

How can we vote for evil and expect to get good government?

Over the years around election time, I’ve heard many conservative Christians grudgingly state that they plan to “hold their noses” and vote for what they consider the “lesser” of two evils. This year is no different, apparently. When faced with the possibility of an Obama presidency, many evangelicals acknowledge that John McCain’s record on promoting righteous government hasn’t been much better. They realize that while McCain claims to be “proudly pro-life,” he has hardly been stalwart in his defense of the unborn, our nation’s most vulnerable citizens. He did not support Congressman Ron Paul’s Sanctity of Life Act, which would have ended abortion.

McCain also has stated that he does not favor overturning Roe v. Wade and has been endorsed by the pro-abortion PAC Republicans for Choice ( In addition, McCain was a member of the infamous Gang of 14 senators whose purpose was to oppose pro-life, strict constructionist judges ( He voted for pro-abortion Supreme Court justices Stephen Breyer and Ruth Bader Ginsburg and has voted many times to increase federal funding for abortion providers such as Planned Parenthood.

Considering that many who plan to vote for McCain will do so because of his perceived commitment to family values, McCain is far from being a paragon of virtue in that area. His biographer, Robert Timberg, chronicled McCain’s numerous sexual affairs with subordinates both when he was an executive officer and later squadron commander in the U.S. Navy. Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief, 2-1-08, states: “McCain cheated on his first wife after she had a severe accident. He then divorced her and married his multimillionaire mistress…”

When it comes to governmental ethics, McCain’s record has been abysmal. He was a ringleader of the infamous Keating Five ethical scandal, which cost taxpayers $160 billion and through which many elderly investors were defrauded and lost their life’s savings ( He also used his influence as senator to have his POW records permanently sealed from public scrutiny, most likely due to allegations that he collaborated with the enemy ( Even more reprehensible, McCain, along with Senator John Kerry, blocked congressional efforts to locate abandoned POWs who were still being held prisoner in Laos and Vietnam (

Finally, McCain supported the $700 billion bailout of Wall Street, showing that he is willing to force American taxpayers to pay for the poor choices of wealthy corporations.

Conservative Christians are quick to point out all of Obama’s flaws (and they are many) but are strangely silent when it comes to the evil McCain has done while in public office. When they are confronted with these things, the typical response is, “But we HAVE to vote for McCain to prevent Obama from becoming president!” Their support for McCain is based on nothing more than fear. They are so afraid of a greater evil that they are willing to vote for a lesser evil. But to me, choosing our leaders out of fear does not seem to be compatible with God’s standard, the Bible. 2 Samuel 23:3 states, “He that rules over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God.” Since God wants rulers to govern justly, it follows that He expects His people to choose righteous leaders when given the opportunity and not to settle for any kind of evil, whether greater or lesser.

What few conservative Christians are aware of today is that there is a truly righteous candidate running for president: Chuck Baldwin, a born-again Christian and pastor of Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida. He is running on the Constitution Party ticket, the fastest-growing third-party in America (to find out more, visit He has been endorsed by Republican Congressman Ron Paul, is a staunch defender of the unborn, and fully supports the U.S. Constitution. Unlike McCain—who voted to give Social Security dollars to illegal aliens and whose Hispanic outreach director, Juan Hernandez, is known for his “Mexico First” declarations—Baldwin will protect our borders and has said that his first official act as president would be to free border agents Ramos and Compean.

When I tell my fellow conservatives that they have the chance to vote for a genuine man of God who is unequivocally committed to the ideals of individual liberty, limited government, and America’s national sovereignty, they tell me to “get real” because Chuck Baldwin has no chance of winning, as if choosing goodness is supposed to be based on whether it has a “chance” of prevailing (if America’s founders had thought that way, we’d still be subjects of Great Britain). Some Republicans have told me that if I vote for McCain, I would really be voting for Sarah Palin, even though she has stated that if McCain enacts any public policies that violate her principles, she will be forced to stand by his decisions.

This past Saturday, a volunteer for McCain’s campaign stopped by our apartment, asking my husband and me if the Republican Party can count on our support for McCain. We told him that we had already voted for Chuck Baldwin and explained why (and there are many more reasons than those I’ve listed here). The volunteer said that he was aware of all of McCain’s deficiencies and agreed with us that Baldwin would be a much better choice. He admitted that the only reason he was supporting McCain was out of fear of Obama.

If Christians are not supposed to fear the enemy of our souls, why are we so afraid of man that we won’t even consider voting for a truly righteous candidate? Why not choose goodness and trust the outcome to God?

How can we vote for evil and expect to get good government?

For an excellent review of the current political dilemma we are facing in America, check out the following three articles:

Today's Christians: No Hope in God's Way

Three Peas in a Pod

Conservatives Offer No Hope


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