U.N. Bible Study Guide Slams U.S.
From Citizenlnk.org, August 17, 2006
The National Council of Churches (NCC), a liberal voice for mainline denominations, has published a study guide for churches to help end poverty around the world. It’s a noble goal, but some are troubled that principles in the guide are based on a United Nations campaign.
The council has developed a 64-page study guide that several mainline denominations are currently using in women’s Bible studies. More than 4,000 guides called Eradicating Global Poverty have been distributed by the NCC to Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran and American Baptist churches, among others.
The program, based on eight U.N. recommendations for fighting poverty, is something no Christian should have trouble with, according to Dan Webster, an NCC spokesman.
“This particular guide is based on Scripture,” he told Family News in Focus. “And is based, most of it, on Matthew 25, on helping the poor.”
But according to Janice Crouse, senior fellow at the Beverly LaHaye Institute at Concerned Women for America, the guide accuses the U.S. of not embracing the U.N.’s way of dealing with poverty – just throwing an ever increasing amount of money at the problem.
“They attack the United States as being very stingy,” she explained. “In fact they use the term ‘stingy’ and they say the United States has not done its fair share of helping people around the world.”
The truth is, apart from the U.N., the U.S. gives $34 billion a year to fight poverty, and is home to many world-relief organizations and missionaries who meet physical needs and bring the Gospel to underdeveloped nations.
“The solutions are in mission work where you send people to countries where they have never heard the Gospel before,” Crouse said. “You break the cycle of poverty by offering people the hope of Jesus Christ.”
Copyright © 2006 Focus on the Family.
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Available online here.
The National Council of Churches (NCC), a liberal voice for mainline denominations, has published a study guide for churches to help end poverty around the world. It’s a noble goal, but some are troubled that principles in the guide are based on a United Nations campaign.
The council has developed a 64-page study guide that several mainline denominations are currently using in women’s Bible studies. More than 4,000 guides called Eradicating Global Poverty have been distributed by the NCC to Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran and American Baptist churches, among others.
The program, based on eight U.N. recommendations for fighting poverty, is something no Christian should have trouble with, according to Dan Webster, an NCC spokesman.
“This particular guide is based on Scripture,” he told Family News in Focus. “And is based, most of it, on Matthew 25, on helping the poor.”
But according to Janice Crouse, senior fellow at the Beverly LaHaye Institute at Concerned Women for America, the guide accuses the U.S. of not embracing the U.N.’s way of dealing with poverty – just throwing an ever increasing amount of money at the problem.
“They attack the United States as being very stingy,” she explained. “In fact they use the term ‘stingy’ and they say the United States has not done its fair share of helping people around the world.”
The truth is, apart from the U.N., the U.S. gives $34 billion a year to fight poverty, and is home to many world-relief organizations and missionaries who meet physical needs and bring the Gospel to underdeveloped nations.
“The solutions are in mission work where you send people to countries where they have never heard the Gospel before,” Crouse said. “You break the cycle of poverty by offering people the hope of Jesus Christ.”
Copyright © 2006 Focus on the Family.
All rights reserved. International copyright secured.
Available online here.
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